The Ultimate Guide to Knowing if you’re Smart!

Jon Bagnato
6 min readJan 25, 2021


25 traits brilliant people have

Jon Bagnato

Neuroplasticity! Big Words! Science! Facts!

They know the science they must be smart-

Are you the type of person who jumps to answer questions first? Or maybe find yourself always surrounded by “Dumb” people? Or even better. You have a deep-rooted dogma that if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything- Well, then read on because this list might help you.

Ol’ Abe Lincoln Q

When we look at, “intelligence” what are we really quantifying? In 2006 the peer-reviewed publication Urban Dictionary defined Intelliengce as, and I quote.

Intelligence is knowing when to shut up.

Since it is on the internet- it is true.

Now Webster, whoever the fuck he is, gives an entirely ridiculous definition, and I also quote

having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of intelligence and mental capacity

Whatever that’s supposed to mean- honestly, how do you answer what intelligence is by saying- “A satisfactory degree of the said word” They go on also say,

reviling in or reflecting good judgment and sound thought.

So we will go with the Urban Dictionary since that makes way more sense, and since I’m using sound thought in this matter, it must be an intelligent decision- right?

I want to say it here the last thing before I get into the “List.”

Everyone is important. Intelligence alone doesn’t make you more or less special than anyone else. And you should never define yourself by what degree you earned or didn’t earn in school. You are needed. You are needed in this world. Because we all bring something different, unique, and valuable to the table, it is our collective intelligence that has created this world- and it will be our collective intelligence that will save this world. Everyone in this world knows something you (we) don’t know. And we need to start treating everyone as such.

The Ultimate List of Smartie smarts

  1. First off, most arguably the most important is open-minded. Smart people tend to keep their minds to new ideas. They don’t mind being proven wrong cause that means- they are learning something. If they can’t challenge their own biases, they may not be able to think or understand both sides of a story.
  2. With that- intelligent people understand opposing views. If they can’t listen and digest an opposing view, their arguments against it are hallowed- Often, smart people can argue their points better than you, even if they don’t believe it themselves.
  3. They fail. They often fail a lot. They can’t know if you like something or are good at something unless they try. Usually, when trying something for the first time, there’s a good chance of failure. Failing is an integral part of life.
  4. To follow that up-, they learn from their mistakes. Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results. That’s why you don’t text your ex. Here’s my number instead-
  5. Knowing how much they have fucked up and realizing they aren’t perfect smart people will never make you feel stupid- ever. So if you know someone who’s always putting people down, tell them to check their IQ at the door and GTFO. That’s also a form of abuse. Don’t stand for it-
  6. But what they do is build people up- they encourage others.
  1. They make eye-contact. It’s often a clear indication if they can’t look someone in the eye, there is a lot to be said for that in and of itself. Stay away from the weirdos that weird their sunglasses indoors- why tho? Que Corey Hart.
  2. They say what they are going to do and do what they say.
  3. They are patient.
  4. They are aware of things they cannot control and don’t sweat it. Understanding the logic behind what you can and cannot control is very important in life. Fear-based people often try to fix, manage and control everything to the desired outcome- cause they are scared of the unknown and try to create “certainty.” Intelligent people often go with the flow, knowing they will come out the other side no matter what cause they have faith in themselves and their skills, like Kung Fu. And if you take anything I’m saying personal-it is not- but if you feel some way about it- it may say more about you- then me.
  5. They connect the dots. they can see patterns and behaviors and assimilate the information to understand better or a “full picture.”
  6. They actively seek out smarter people to befriend. The saying goes, if you’re the most intelligent person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room. Never Underestimate anyone- the minute you judge someone’s intelligence by your assumed perception- then they are already smarter than you. Remember- everyone knows something- you don’t. Don’t devalue people by assumptions- at the very least, wait till they open their mouths.
  7. They listen. Most importantly, they try to hear. If you find yourself always thinking about what you will say next in a conversation, you might want to pause and rethink it.
Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

8. They dress for the occasion. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

  1. They show up on time.
  2. They Proactively take notes. Taking notes is crucial. Suppose you take in X amount of information each day. It’s easier to revisit and remember by jotting important stuff down. So maybe all those hipsters carrying Moleskins were right all along.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
  1. They reflect their values on social media. It’s straightforward to be a type of person “face to face,” but then behind the perceived safety of a keyboard, who are you?
  2. They are unafraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that wasn’t asked.
  3. They are humble. It’s better to be humble than humiliated.
  4. They often Procrastinate. Steve Jobs was a big proponent of the idea of procrastination. One would argue maybe a little too much- considering he pushed off chemo for a juice cleanse, and we all know how that story ended. Needless to say, procrastination. I’ve been doing it my whole life.
  5. They can critically think and analyze shit- and they do it pretty quick.
  6. You show both empathy and compassion.
  7. They build quality relationships.
  1. They say “Science” a lot.
  2. Lastly, they admit when they are wrong, and they recognize what they don’t know.

In closing, we are all on this planet for a purpose. Just because you may or may not know yours yet doesn’t mean you don’t have one. Intellectual Intelligence is different than emotional intelligence, and common sense is in another category of its own. As the saying goes, there are street smarts, and there are smart smarts.

You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to do a lot of the traits listed above. Most take thoughtfulness and consistency to achieve.

You don’t have to read a book to know how to smile; You don’t need directions to find someone's eyes, you might need a watch to show up on time- but you don’t need to understand to listen, you're allowed to fail as long as you get back up, and lastly you don’t have to know everything to be smart most of the things above that smart people do- are just kind.

Be kind, be kind for no reason, be kind for every reason, be kind every day and be kind in every way.

And when in doubt, just say, “Science.” and all will be well.



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